Tuesday, October 26, 2010


"Worship is coextensive with life. The worship service on Sunday morning is the point to which all of my life converges and the fountain to which all of my life emerges. In other words, if my life is not consistent with that Sunday morning, then I am not worshiping."

-Ravi Zacharias

This is a very important quote. Simply put (in case you did not get it from the quote) Ravi is saying that everything we do should be worshipful at heart. For whatever we do, our motivation should be doing it for God. The apostle paul mirrors this idea when he says that we should offer our bodies as living sacrifices in view of God's mercy, and that if we do so then it'll be our spiritual act of worship. Obviously when we offer our bodies, we offer everything we have and we are thus making our whole life worshipful.

I don't feel like i'm thinking clearly. Forgive me as I type and think.

What is worship?

Worship is the collective grouping of actions, thoughts, feelings, and etc that we take and do for God out of the love that we have for God. It does not have to be an action that seems to be directly benefiting God as long as it is one that we do out of our true love for God. Jesus even showed that actions that don't directly seem to benefit him, really can be for him when he described how if we feed the hungry, or cloth the poor, or visit the people in jail that we are really feeding Him, clothing Him, and visiting Him.

This means that everything we do needs to be for God. When we file honest taxes, we do so not because we are afraid of being punished for breaking the law, but rather because we love God. When we do out best at work, we don't do it cause we need money or because we don't want to let our boss down (though those may be legitimate reasons), as Christians our primary goal should be that we do it because we love God.

We can worship God in many different ways, but should do what we can to figure out what way God would like to be worshiped in, and then do it that way. If we don't try to do it in the methods that God prefers, then it is like me saying to my wife, "I got you a nirvana cd for your birthday and that is my way of loving you whether you like it or not." That is the sentiment that we express when we say, "I can woship God in whatever way I desire."

I personally have not yet examined the scriptures deeply to see what ways God wants to be worshiped in, but as i'm typing this a few verses come to mind:

ack, my brain has stopped working for the night. to be continued.....

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The mission

What does it look like to live like Christ, today?

That is the whole purpose of this blog, and that is what I will try to answer. How much easier this all might be if we could live with the apostles and Jesus and see first hand what it looked it like on a daily basis, but until that day comes then we'll just have to make due with trial and error, and with comparing our experiences to the limited accounts in God's word.